At Goodself we value our community and their input - that’s why we’ve collaborated with experts, advocates and leaders in the space to develop our content guidelines. Our aim is to promote empowerment through education and ensure that every individual embarking on a health journey feels safe and supported.

To achieve this, we have established the following guidelines when posting/creating content and/or in talks:

  1. Sensationalism: Refrain from sensational claims, and misleading phrases, and acknowledge the complexity of health topics. For instance, avoid phrases such as “5 easy ways to lose weight fast”, noting that weight loss may differ for each individual and may not be easy for everyone or phrases like "miracle weight loss solution" or "secret trick to shed pounds overnight." Instead, provide evidence-based information on healthy weight management strategies that consider individual differences and emphasize sustainable practice.
  2. Empowerment and Support: We believe in promoting positive body image and self-acceptance. Therefore, we do not allow images that may promote unrealistic health standards for people in our community. Please refrain from sharing before-and-after photos of weight loss transitions, as they can perpetuate unrealistic expectations.
  3. Professionalism: Ensure that images of yourself are relevant to your profession or the topic of discussion. Ex. Wear something you would wear to your place of work.
  4. Inclusive Content: Avoid sharing images or content that could be stigmatizing or harmful to anyone within our community. This includes refraining from providing advice or biased claims. Instead, post content that encourages balanced lifestyle without emphasizing specific body sizes, diets, etc. while avoiding specific recommendations or assumptions about people's dietary patterns or lifestyles.
  5. Positive Language: We believe in using language that is positive and uplifting; supporting and empowering to our community members. Please refrain from using profanity or derogatory language when discussing weight or body image. Steer clear of phrases like “spare tire belly” and opt for a more inclusive and body-positive approach. Instead, choose positive and respectful language that promotes discussion and understanding.
  6. Evidence-Based Practices: Our community prioritizes evidence-based practices and refrains from using BMI as a metric, fostering an inclusive environment that respects diverse health needs and experiences.
  7. Avoiding Extreme Statements: Avoid making extreme statements about certain foods or weight management strategies. Refrain from making blanket statements such as "diets are always unhealthy" or "all processed foods are bad." Instead, emphasize balance, variety, and moderation in all aspects of health and wellness.
  8. Report Concerns: If you encounter any behavior that violates these guidelines or makes you feel uncomfortable, please report it immediately. We are here to support you and address any concerns promptly and effectively. Your feedback is crucial in ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all community members.