About Goodself:

<aside> ➰ Goodself is exclusively focused on health and wellness content.


<aside> ➰ The platform hosts live, interactive audio chats led ONLY by vetted Health Experts - called GoodTalks - while pictures, videos, and thought pieces can be posted and shared by Experts around their expertise, and Users around their health experiences.


<aside> ➰ We are creating a safe, supportive, and kind community of like-minded individuals.


<aside> ➰ Goodself was designed to cut through the noise and clutter to help connect Users with vetted Experts, the right information, and a supportive community that can empower them as they navigate their own health journeys.


<aside> ➰ This platform is meant to truly be a healthier social media experience, a safe and supportive space where time spent here, is time spent on yourself.


Brand Values:

<aside> ➰ Credibility: Our aim was to create a platform where the focus isn’t on clicks and revenue but rather on tackling misinformation and bettering the social media experience, bringing Expert insights to the forefront, and establishing a kind and supportive community. Our processes to combat misinformation on our platform have evolved (and will continue to) with community feedback and are implemented to create a change in our little part of the internet.


<aside> ➰ Community: Our focus has been and will always be doing right by the community and creating a space that meets their needs. On our platform, we value community above all else – we want to be a place where they can learn, grow, and be empowered along their health journey!


<aside> ➰ Transparency: At Goodself, we maintain open practices through various means, including weekly open forum town halls, around our policies, content decisions, technology, and upcoming features.


<aside> ➰ Kindness: Treating people with kindness is a buzzword on other platforms, but here it is the fabric of who we are. At Goodself, we are building a community that actively engages one another to create a kinder space.


Key Features:

<aside> 📌 Vetted Experts: Experts are people well-versed in their field(s) and want to contribute to their area(s) of expertise by providing useful information in the form of photos, videos, and thought pieces and hosting GoodTalks. All Experts are vetted to ensure they meet the threshold established by Goodself, which includes their degree(s) and/or certification(s) in their area(s) of expertise and/or experience, as well as their positive online social presence. Vetted Experts are clearly identified on the platform, and they’re the only ones that can run GoodTalks, to ensure that the content is focused and credible.


<aside> 📌 Posted content: The platform combines video and audio elements through pictures, videos, thought pieces, and live talks so that Users can disseminate content the way they are used to. When posting content on the feed, Experts share their expertise, and Users share their experiences.


<aside> 📌 GoodTalks: GoodTalks are interactive live audio chats that create a space for Experts and users to engage in meaningful conversation and interact with their communities. GoodTalks can take the form of info sessions, Q&As, panels, and more.


<aside> 📌 Reference links: In an effort to increase transparency across the platform, all content is equipped with reference links. Reference links allow community members to directly see where Expert or User information is coming from. These links are used to support claims being made in posts and help build trust within the community. In having reference links, community members can actively play a role in curtailing misinformation on the platform through the use of reputable resources (as well as Experts using their own education & expertise to substantiate their claims).


<aside> 📌 Algorithm: Our algorithm is designed to help the community discover new Experts and users, new voices, and new schools of thought; and by its very design, is unique in promoting credibility and not just what entices clicks.


<aside> 📌 Search: All content is tagged by categories and subcategories, making it more accessible and searchable. Our desire is to make health and wellness resources easy to find for individuals who need them
