<aside> 💡 Goodself challenges provide an interactive way to connect with your community and encourage progress. Customize privacy settings, start and end dates, and areas of focus to create a unique opportunity for your audience to collaborate toward a shared goal.


To help you kickstart your journey, we've outlined a few challenges that are aligned with popular topics on the platform. These challenges are fully customizable to fit the specific needs and goals of your community. We understand that each community is unique, so we encourage you to tailor the challenges to align with the interests and preferences of your audience.

Topic-Specific Challenges

🧘 Meditation/ Wellness

💪 Fitness/Nutrition

💤 Sleep


<aside> 📥 Feel free to reach out, if we can assist with brainstorming a challenge that better suits your group! You can email us at [email protected] or DM us at Goodself (in the app).
