Thank you so much for being a part of the Goodself community! We appreciate your support in spreading the word about our platform.

Based on conversations we’ve had, we wanted to share a few suggestions for you to effectively share the platform and your involvement:

<aside> 🧩 The easiest way to share the app is with the download link: (the app is available on the App Store and Google Play). Remember to share your handle to reap the benefits of the Referral Network Effect. Here’s some key messaging to share about the app:

Key Messaging


💬 General Tips for Posts

Here are a few key tips to make your posts engaging and effective when marketing the platform:

💬 Marketing your Group

<aside> 💡 Goodself tip: Click here for samples on how to best market your Group on Goodself


A strong community is fueled by supportive and engaging members - your Goodself group is no different! Sharing your group through the right channels will help grow your community and continue to build the powerful connections foundational to Goodself.

💬 Marketing your Challenge

<aside> 💡 Goodself tip: Click here for samples on how to create engaging challenges on Goodself


Once you’ve put your challenge together don’t forget to promote your hard work and engage your group members to participate!

💬 Marketing your GoodTalk

<aside> 💡 Goodself tip: For more information about setting up GoodTalks, roles you can set up/take on, and other best practices, click here to Learn more →
